Format of the resulting archive. Possible values are tar,zip, tar.gz, tgz, and any format defined using theconfiguration option tar..command. If --formatis not given, and the output file is specified, the format isinferred from the filename if possible (e.g. writing to foo.zipmakes the output to be in the zip format). Otherwise the outputformat is tar.
This variable specifies a shell command through which the taroutput generated by git archive should be piped. The commandis executed using the shell with the generated tar file on itsstandard input, and should produce the final output on itsstandard output. Any compression-level options will be passedto the command (e.g., -9).
exe output for PHP 1.4.rar
Note that attributes are by default taken from the .gitattributes filesin the tree that is being archived. If you want to tweak the way theoutput is generated after the fact (e.g. you committed without adding anappropriate export-ignore in its .gitattributes), adjust the checked out.gitattributes file as necessary and use --worktree-attributesoption. Alternatively you can keep necessary attributes that should applywhile archiving any tree in your $GIT_DIR/info/attributes file.
The exiftool output can be organized based on these groups using the-g or -G option (ie. -g1 to see family 1groups, or -g3:1 to see both family 3 and family 1 group names inthe output. See the -g option in the exiftool applicationdocumentation for more details, and the GetGroupfunction in the ExifTool library for a description of the group families. Notethat when writing, only family 0, 1, 2 and 7 group names may be used.
A DEFLATE stream is a sequence ofblocks,where each block may be compressed or non-compressed.Compressed blocks are what we usually think of;for example the kernel is one big compressed block.But there are also non-compressed blocks,which start with a5-byte headerwith a length field that means simply, "output the next n bytes verbatim."Decompressing a non-compressed block means only stripping the 5-byte header.Compressed and non-compressed blocks may be intermixed freelyin a DEFLATE stream.The output is the concatenation ofdecompressing all the blocks in order.The "non-compressed" notion only has meaning at the DEFLATE layer;the file data still counts as "compressed" at the zip layer,no matter what kind of blocks are used.
The giant-steps feature only pays when you are not constrained by maximum output file size.In, we actually want to slow file growth as much as possibleso that the smallest file, containing the kernel, can be as large as possible.Using giant steps in actually decreases the compression ratio.
For our purposes, filenames are mostly dead weight.While filenames do contribute something to the output sizeby virtue of being part of quoted local file headers,a byte in a filename does not contribute nearly as muchas a byte in the kernel.We want filenames to be as short as possible,while keeping them all distinct,and subject to compatibility considerations.
Given that the N filenames in the zip fileare generally not all of the same length,which way should we order them,shortest to longest or longest to shortest?A little reflection shows that it is better toput the longest names last, because those names are the most quoted.Ordering filenames longest lastadds over 900 MB of outputto,compared to ordering them longest first.It is a minor optimization, though,as those 900 MBcomprise only 0.0003%of the total output size.
To find the optimum balance,we only have to optimize the single variable N,the number of files in the zip file.Every value of N requiresa certain amount of overhead forcentral directory headers,local file headers,quoting block headers, and filenames.All the remaining space can be taken up by the kernel.Because N has to be an integer,and you can only fit so many filesbefore the kernel size drops to zero,it suffices to test every possible value of Nand select the one that yields the most output.
3.0.14 - March 31, 2017 - Fixed filename load default/minimalistic buttons not loading correct stackname settings.3.0.13 - March 30, 2017 - Fixed memory leak during image file processing of certain image types (causing lockups in early stages).3.0.12 - March 30, 2017 - Fixed unicode bug when reading session file. - Completely rewrote detect abrupt horizontal/vertical artifacts (e.g., planets moving partially off screen). It's turned off by default, but give it a try if you have difficult recordings (the setting is remembered). - Moved frame information outside of displayed image in the frame view. - Normalize stack can also work on RGB stacks for each channel independently (right click on normalize stack -> your setting is remembered, default is off). - Default stackname now starts with the name of the source file, followed by a free field, and then additional stacking information. Check 'Stack(name) options' to change your preferences (setting is remembered). 3.0.11 - March 22, 2017 - First public beta of AS!3 - fixed major rgb stacking issue - optimized stacking rgb frames, now slightly faster - made surface 'improved tracking' more robust - added limit information in stack filename - removed edge quality estimator - disabled writing planetary alignment information for surface recordings - fixed bayer override for large noise robust values (it didn't round up properly, resulting in noise robust values that were too low when user select noise robust of 7 or higher) - lowered default offset percentile sampling to 6%3.0.7 - March 2, 2017 - opening .as3 session file now also searches for recordings relative to the location of the as3 file instead of only using absolute path (it still first checks absolute path, and if this is not found, it searches in the same directory as the .as3 file, and if is still nothing is found, it searches one level above .as3 file) - fixed a long delay right after aligning and right before stacking that was associated with using many APs (thousands) and many frames. - added support for adding limit to maximum GB of memory usage (AutoStakkert.ini; ProcessingLimits->ramMemoryCeilingGB) - similarly for limiting the amount of threads, renamed in .ini (AutoStakkert.ini; ProcessingLimits->threadcount) - minor interface changes. - disabled saving planetary cog file when surface alignment mode was checked. 3.0.6 - February 20, 2017 - fixed not working force RGB stack output for TIF. - added saving session output for planetary alignment cog (possibly useful for third party tools; impact detection). This session information will NOT be loaded/used when opening a session, AS! will do COG alignment regardless of what is in the session file. - slightly changed memory management (tries to keep a bit more memory free if your system has lots of it). - slightly relaxed reading avi file with broken (super)index (allowing to read certain faulty avis that it wouldn't before) - fixed remembering (custom) filename (using lastsession.as3, not via the .ini file) - for surface recordings now always apply new alignment points during batch processing (don't care if you manually added/removed some APs after applying grid) 3.0.5 - February 4, 2017 - fixed not being able to cancel during buffering. - removed additional stack being saved for row/column correction. 3.0.4 - February 1, 2017 - fixed not saving percentage stack counts - fixed DPI scaling issue (part of the main window missing with at least some Windows 7 systems)3.0.3 - January 11, 2017 - fixed cancel during Double Stack Reference not working properly at image alignment stage 3.0.2 - January 7, 2017 - Remember: laplacian very likely needs a higher quality robust level (especially for planetary data at large image scales!). Where I used to get away with Gradient 4 most of the time, I find myself using Laplacian 6 on similar data. - Fixed column correction crashing the program during saving. - Fixed rare image alignment bug crashing the program during alignment. 3.0.1 - January 6, 2017 - Fixed automatic alignment point placement during processing. - Fixed cancel not working properly (crashing the program in a nasty way) during certain processing stages. - Fixed limit working on image containers - Fixed various other session related issues3.0.0 - January 4, 2017 - Yay for AutoStakkert!3 - Very early release! It is likely that lots of stuff isn't working properly yet. Please let me know when you have issues, and DON'T share this version with anyone for now! - Huge speedup (10 X) during MAP recombination (especially useful for large numbers of APs) - New default quality estimator (Laplacian) that I placed under the gradient option. It is turned on by default (but you can go back to how things were by unchecking the upside down triangle thingie - - The quality estimator may be a bit more sensitive to noise, so try to increase the quality robustness if you get unsatisfying results. - Added option to place APs with different sizes in one go (Multi-Scale). The implementation will change in the future a bit, it is turned off by default at the moment. It should however perform pretty well, so test it out! The extra APs that are placed are always larger than you selected. So pick a relatively small scale to start with (not too small, it should be reasonable still) - AS!3 supports sessions. These are text files (currently with .as3 extension) that are stored along each raw stack that is created, and that tcontain information about all settings used in AS!3 when the stack was created. Very nice to debug problems, share your workflow, or tweak a few processing settings sometime later without having to think about all the settings that you used. AP information is also stored, and even alignment information for surface recordings are stored. - - You can save sessions from the file menu as well. - - You can open sessions from the file menu, but you can also drop them on the main form or send them as a command line parameter on the AutoStakkert.exe executable (tip: use shortcuts to run AS!3 with different sessions for different processing targets!) - - Batch processed stacks are accompanied by settings containing just a single file (as these are not meant to restore all recordings, just that particular recording in that session). - Removed all non SSE2 code. - Full control over filenames of image stacks (via a seperate form that you can open under Stack(name) options when a recording is open). This allows you to have very lightweight filenames using just the source container name, or combinations of various fields you can choose from. It may be extended with additional fields in the future. - Fixed limit working for image folders. - Lots of interface fixes (e.g., bpp information and color information now also on main screen, and many others...). - Batch processing surface recordings now supports multiple AP sizes (it keeps track of sizes used). - Double Stack Reference option changed (was "use stack as reference"). When checked, it will automatically reprocess each recording with the previous stack as reference. Especially nice for surface recordings in combination with the Multi-Scale option with the more robust larger APs that are used alongside the smaller APs. - Improved surface alignment stability (and speed). It should be much less wobbly now. - Many small things fixed, many new bugs created in the process..... 2.7.10 - November 26, 2016 - Minor interface changes (enter/escape now work to accept/cancel). - Fixed flashing AS!2 icon option when (partial) processing finished. - Application priorty now 'below normal'. 2.7.9 - November 26, 2016 - Fixed unable to stack all frames2.7.8 - November 26, 2016 - Loading image files (jpg, png, tif) now uses FreeImage component (should fix some recent image file related bugs, and makes development easier)2.7.7 - November 9, 2016 First 64-bit beta release)- First 64-bit beta version. Please provide feedback! Uses FreeImage.dll (provided), without other dependencies (e.g., no visual c++ redistributables).- Supports A LOT of RAM memory (tested up to 32 GB, although essentially unlimited)- Open 'preview' dialog parsing of firecapture log file (makes the interesting meta-data in your recording a bit more readable)- Exporting (32-bit/channel) fits should now work- Code clean up for frame exporting (probably broke stuff in the process..)- Fixed fits file output passing NASA fits file verifier (following fits standard more closely)- Fixed sigma clipping near for saturated pixels (turned dark in stack, all saturated pixels were rejected due to low variance... )- Changed default row column noise thresholds (now 10% percentile). Stack will be be rc applied also and only if expand (or planet) was not selected. - Small speedup in smart stack - Lowered maximum amount of pre-read frames during stacking to 2+1 - Fixed crash related to using more than 8 threads during stacking - Fixed dark frame subtraction not being correctly applied- Fixed potential memory leak (notes for me to remember: errorW, errorH)- Fixed progressbar not updating when creating multiple stacks- Fixed RGB stacking stuck at a few %... - (please tell me it's just a prank bro!) Changes x86 (32 bit) - this development branch will slow down 2ff7e9595c